Enquiry for chemical industry Contact Company * Contact person * Address * Zip code, city * Phone number * Fax * E-mail * Email rewritten Basic data Purpose of agitating (main) * - Choose -mixingformation of suspensionhomogenization/dissolvinggassing/aerationheat transferemulsificationfermentationflocculation Purpose of agitating (additional) - none -mixingformation of suspensionhomogenization/dissolvinggassing/aerationheat transferemulsificationfermentationflocculation Operation * ContinuousIntermittent Blending time * Flow * Retention time Preferred agitator * - Choose -Side enteringTop enteringBottom mounted Tank dimensions Tank volume (m3) Active volume (m3) Size for different shapes cylinder Diameter (m) Cylinder height (m) Polygon Length x width (m x m) Height (m) Tank top flatconical Cone diameter (o) Cone height (m) Slope of the tank bottom (o) Tank level constantvary Process data Temperature (oC) Pressure in tank (Pa) Liquid type - none -NewtonianBinghamPseudoplasticThixotrophyRheopexy 1) Substance / liquid Substance / liquid Density (kg/m3) Viscosity (cP) Weight fraction (%) Volume fraction (%) Specific weight of particles as solid (kg/m3) Particle size (mm) 2) Substance / liquid Substance / liquid Density (kg/m3) Viscosity (cP) Weight fraction (%) Volume fraction (%) Specific weight of particles as solid (kg/m3) Particle size (mm) 3) Substance / liquid Substance / liquid Density (kg/m3) Viscosity (cP) Weight fraction (%) Volume fraction (%) Specific weight of particles as solid (kg/m3) Particle size (mm) Files Attachments Notes Notes: